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 Moving cabins ((Open))

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Josh Ostrander

Josh Ostrander

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Age : 29
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Moving cabins ((Open)) Empty
PostSubject: Moving cabins ((Open))   Moving cabins ((Open)) I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 6:52 am

Josh walked into the hermes cabin full of excitement. He had finally been claimed and was switching cabins. He walked over to his area of the cabin and started to pack up even thought there wasnt much to pack. He zipped his bag shut, closed his guitar case with it safely in it, and grabbed his sleeping bag. He trugged all of his stuff out and headed three cabins up to his new home Cabin three. He opened the door and caught his breath when he saw the inside. Low stone walls. Bunks and the smell of sea mist in the air. Home, Sweet, Home He smiled as he walked in feeling good finally to be home. He walked over to the nearest bunk and set his bag and guitar at the bottom. He then climbed up to the top of it.He laid his sleeping bag down on the matress. Ahhh He said as he laid down for a second feeling really good about fianlly getting out of that stuffy hermes cabin. .He decided to stay there for a little letting it all in.
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Jared Michaels

Jared Michaels

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Moving cabins ((Open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving cabins ((Open))   Moving cabins ((Open)) I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 09, 2010 9:30 pm

"Hey." Jared said walking into the fishy smelling cabin. Jared had never really liked fish. Or the ocean for that matter. After almost drowning at the age of four he vowed to never again swim in the sea. Lakes, he had no problem with but, the ocean...yeah. "Is this Hermes cabin?" He asked the boy sitting on the bed. He had pictured the cabins to be all the same not a different one. "Since I'm new and unclaimed, I thought maybe this was it?"
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Josh Ostrander

Josh Ostrander

Posts : 48
Join date : 2010-07-17
Age : 29
Location : Somewhere.....

Moving cabins ((Open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving cabins ((Open))   Moving cabins ((Open)) I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 24, 2010 2:37 am

"Is this Hermes cabin?" "No..." Josh said with a little temper. How could he think THIS was the hermes cabin i mean there SO much different. "Since I'm new and unclaimed, I thought maybe this was it?" "Nah this is the Posideon cabin" Josh said standing up and walking over to the kid. He had black spikey hair and wore dark goth type clothes. He held out his hand and said "I'm Josh Son of Posideon" He said a little bit pridefully. He was happy to now call himself a son of posideon
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PostSubject: Re: Moving cabins ((Open))   Moving cabins ((Open)) I_icon_minitime

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